Monday, November 29, 2010

It's All About the Hem Tape Babeeee

Back in February I made some great window mistreatment's for my kitchen out of a great Rooster print fabric I got on sale at my local Hobby Lobby.  When we decided to make over the laundry room the first thing that had to go were the hideous window valances that I picked up somewhere on clearance.  Adam even fessed up that he has always hated them.  It wasn't in my immediate budget to buy something right away or even run out and buy some fabric to make new ones so I figured what the heck...I will use the leftover rooster fabric and make some easy window mistreatment's valances for the laundry room for the time being.

Having experience in window mistreatment's really helped me out this round.  I think they turned out a lot better than the original ones I made in the kitchen.   Plus, with the extra amount of light in this room,  I realized how much I like those little roosters.  

I know you are all just dying to know how one goes about making a NO SEW window mistreatment.   Well you've come to the right place.   It's all about the HEM TAPE.  And you will need an iron, pair of scissors and measuring tape.  Easy peezy. 

So here's what I did...Step Number 1:
Measure your window. I added three inches to each side.  This way I have an inch and a half to fold over "to hem" and another inch and a half to hang over the window frame.   Then measure how long you want the treatment.  Mine are 15".  Which means I cut the fabric to 21" inches so I would have three inches at the top and bottom to "hem". 

Step Number 2: I measured the amount I wanted to "hem" at the top and bottom and followed the directions on the hem tape to adhere (this is where you use that iron) those to the back side of the window treatment and Voila! my hem was finished at the top and bottom.

** The Hem Tape I use I found at Hobby Lobby.  It's called Heat n Bond.  Make sure you get the Heavy Duty or Super Strength and buy it as wide as you can.

Step Number 3: Repeat Step 2 for both sides, get a little creative by finding a way to fold the corner so that you don't have any fabric sticking out. 

Step Number 4: Attach window mistreatment valance to drapery rings, thread on to rod and hang rod.  You should have a finished product that looks something like this:

If they don't. Email me and we'll get you there.  Ha! 

And in case you were wondering, YES that is an Ikea shelf that we turned in to a bench for a sitting area and shoe storage. More on that coming up in my Laundry Room Re Do post.


  1. Hi April,

    You are so talented!!!! and once again I want to say - YOUR HOUSE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

    Merry Christmas!!!

    Holly N. Madugula
    Arlington, TX

  2. Wow - I did not even recognize your laundry room - looks great!!

  3. What a great transformation! It all looks great.
    Thanks for visiting Red Hen Home!
