Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer Reading

Yes I know the summer is almost over and I am so thankful. Can I get a "YEAH FALL IS COMING?"  Thanks.  Back to the subject at hand. I've been a little reader this last leg of the summer. I am quite enjoying it.  

On my nightstand right now is Escape by Carolyn Jessop.  My girlfriend Natalie gave it to me on Saturday and I am almost done with it.  It's a fast read.  I don't want to make judgements about any one's religious beliefs here on my blog because that's not what this is about but it is crazy with a capital C that this kind of stuff happens.  Check it out. I think it is pretty interesting.  

Next up: Chelsea Handler's Books.  I won't be reading them in order because I like to book borrow (you know when you trade out books with friends) and Amanda has the second one I think.  I have heard from so many people that her books are hilarious and I need a good laugh so yup that one is next.

And are you ready for what I want to read after that?  I should start this sooner than later.  Since it's basically a weight loss book.  I can't wait for this one. I know a friend of a friend that has it. Maybe I'll Facebook her and ask if I can borrow it OR I have seen it on Amazon for super duper cheap.
That should take me to October.  I need some more recommendations. Whatcha got for me? 

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