Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Don't know when I'll be back again.  No really, I'll be back Sunday.  I am so so so excited to spend four days away with my hubby.  Secretly we both wish Aidan was coming with us but it's good to get some time away.  That's what I keep telling myself anyways. 

We're headed to Boston to visit our friends Natalie and Pete and Mariann and Mike.   My entire family is also there but this is more of a friends vacay then a family vacay.  Essentially we want to catch up with friends and roam the city until the wee hours.  We have a great weekend planned. 

Thursday we are eating at our fav North End spot Giacomos. I love how on their blog they plainly state, we don't do reservations, we don't take cash, we don't have dessert and there is no parking.  Why do we go there again. Oh yeah, it's the best.  And why would we need dessert when Mike's pastry has canolis calling our name?

Friday I am not really sure of the plan. Nat is in charge and I know she will not disappoint.  I do know it is Restaurant Week in Boston and we are eating dinner at a Mexican restaurant that has great margaritas.   I will report back with the name later.  You know cause you'll all want to go I'm sure.

Saturday we are staying at the Marlowe hotel in Cambridge.  I will also let you know how that is.  Supposedly Kimpton hotels are amazing.  And that leopard print carpet is right up my alley.  Ha. 

I would say I will not blog until we get back on Sunday but I'm sure I'll think of something to tell you before then.   Maybe it will be my marathon shopping spree I am going on tomorrow to find some cute tops to wear while we are there.  You'll have to see. 

Thanks for stopping by.  Y'all make my day! xoxoxo

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