Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I have been on a meal planning kick.  Adam has been a great help with it.  Yesterday we planned out our meals for the next two weeks and then shopped in the afternoon for the necessary materials.  The week looks a little bit like this :
Monday-Beef Stroganoff
Tuesday-Pecan Encrusted Salmon
Wednesday-Beef Apricot Stir Fry
Thursday-Home made chicken nuggets and linguine {a meal my mom made when we were growing up and it is actually pretty amazing even though it sounds funny}
Friday-Dinner at my parents

Not to shabby huh?  It's a start to getting back on track cooking again.  I was planning on blogging about the meals and posting the recipes as I went...but Monday night the Stroganoff wasn't edible and tonight the Pecan glaze for the salmon was so dry Adam and I barely got the meal down.  How embarrassing is that?  I can't take total credit for the fail of Monday nights meal because Adam helped prepare it but the salmon was all me.  I really just want to be a perfect housewife that WOWs her hubby in the kitchen and I am not off to a great start. 

Beef Apricot Stir Fry is so good and I don't even need a recipe {typically} so let's say a prayer that we will be able to sit down and ENJOY a meal tomorrow night.  Hahaha.

If anyone has quick, easy, yummy recipes send them my way.  I am always looking for something new to cook.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Can I come over for dinner!? LOL Seriously...I hate cooking.
