Sunday, August 15, 2010

Adam Harvey The Greatest Ever

Y'all as if I don't do it enough, I have to do it again.  I know some of your are going to hate me but I have the world's best husband, seriously.  I had a roller coaster of a week and sat in bed most of it in tears and there he was sitting right beside me.   He asked me every five minutes if I was OK, rubbed my head and back, made me food and drinks, watched chick flicks and just loved me to death.   It was realizing how lucky I am to have him that finally pulled me out of my funk. 

I remember someone asking me the day before my wedding if I was nervous and I replied "No.  Everything about the entire day can go wrong just as long as when those chapel doors open, he's standing there waiting for me and says I DO."  He was and he did and I will forever be grateful.    Thanks babe for being you and loving me.

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