Thursday, August 19, 2010
Eat, Pray, Love
My mom bought me the book Eat, Pray, Love a few weeks back and I have been trying to read it for two weeks now. I have to tell you, I thought it was a little slow. I found the first part of the book easy to read because I have been to Italy and could relate a little bit. I kind of thought the author was a whiner. Can I say that? I made it almost all the way through the India section and my mom called Tuesday morning to see if I wanted to go with her to see the movie. So I went and we both enjoyed it. Not really for the acting or the story line. The idea of being able to leave your life behind to travel abroad for a year is what was appealing. It is long. The movie follows the book pretty well changing a few details here and there. The scenery in the entire movie is beautiful. My mom and I both love to travel and would love to go to India and Bali is just breath taking. As I mentioned before, we have been to Italy a few times but it gave us both chills seeing it again in the movie and made us want to return there so badly. It really is a wonderful, wonderful place. I am so lucky that my parents were able to take me on such nice vacations. The love story at the end is not completely predictable and I liked that. Overall the movie gets two thumbs up from me.
I was interested to find out if the author could finally really commit to someone and marry the man in the book/movie so as soon as I got home today I Googled it. They are happily married which was nice to hear. No kids though. The hubby did come with two of his own and she has become very close with those children which is super sweet.
James Franco is in it so it might be worth going to see for that but otherwise you could probably wait until it came to the Red Box. Sorry guys. I really did try to love it.
Hi April! I was blog hopping and found you! you have such a precious little boy! and a cute blog. On another note, I will wait until the movie comes out on Netflix. Enjoyed reading some of your posts, you tell your story beautifully.