Sunday, July 11, 2010

Party Like it's 1988

Yes I know it's supposed to be 1999 but this weekend was all about the 80's.   There was enough neon, scrunchies and sideways ponytails to elicit people screaming "Look! It's Flashdance all over again" as we walked the streets of Charleston, SC.

We should have stuck with "What happens in Isle of Palms, stays in Isle of Palms" but something tells me that's the last thing that was one every one's mind as we all ventured home to our loved ones tonight.  It was an unforgettable weekend. One for the books for sure.  There will be stories to tell for a long time. 

Happy 30th JEN!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

P.S. Aren't we all so glad the 80's are over?


  1. Glad the 80's are over? Yes. Sad that teens today are bringing it back? Double yes. Do I think I'll eventually succumb and end up wearing SOMETHING of the "new" 80's fashion? Yes, again...*sigh*...I'm a sucker for trends sometimes...

    But what a fun weekend, anyways!

  2. I LOVE Charleston! Looks like you had a fabulous time!
