Friday, July 9, 2010

Beach Bound

I have been slacking on my blogging this week but I have a good reason.  Tomorrow I am leaving for a girl's weekend on Isle of Palms and so I have been cleaning and cooking like a mad woman so Adam won't have to worry about anything but hanging out with Aidan this weekend.   Their meals are all made and labeled in the fridge.  The laundry is all caught up.  I grocery shopped and bought them some treats.  There are fresh sheets on the beds.  Aren't I a good wife?  I try at least.

I made a cute little craft to take all the girls (15 of us) at the beach house that I will post about when I return.   I am not bringing my fancy new camera with me on this trip because Adam is afraid I will neglect it and it will get sandy.  Puuuuuuhhhhlease.  I think he wants to use it.   I will make sure that someone takes some pictures of us.  We are doing an 80's theme on Saturday night for Jen's 30th birthday.  We rented a limo too. I'm pumped but I will miss the boys.  I have never gone away alone since Aidan has been born. Crazy!!! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend.   See you when I get back!!! xoxoxo

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