Friday, June 4, 2010

Chippin' Away

I've made great progress on my to do list. We live next to a creek and it rained really bad the other night causing our back yard to flood.  Literally a million weeds have come up through our mulch and the ground back there is still saturated.  I don't know how the moon bounce is going to be back there! I hope we don't all get muddy.  I started pulling the weeds today and tomorrow we are having the grass cut.  Isn't that funny? We own a landscaping business and now someone else is mowing our lawn.   Adam just has too much going on and we don't have a push mower, otherwise I would just do it.  I actually love to mow the lawn.  I called our city government today and I talked to someone about all the mosquito's coming from the creek area and they are sending someone out tomorrow to treat the creek so hopefully by party time, we will notice a huge difference.  Of course I exaggerated the story a little bit but sometimes you have to do that to get a point across.  We also noticed today that our neighbor (the one we didn't know existed until 6 months after moving in because his house is covered in well, every weed on the planet) has poison ivy growing all over the side of his house closest to us and it is coming across the yard now. Not good for Adam aka most allergic person to poison ivy EVER. 

I LOVE cleaning house.  Since Aidan has gone to bed, I've done 5 loads of laundry, dusted, vacuumed and washed the floor in our dining room, cleaned the entire kitchen, cleaned the playroom, put away 2 or 3 loads of Aidan's laundry and cleaned his room in the dark while he slept.  Funny huh?  Adam thinks I am nuts.   Sometimes when I go to friend's houses I just offer to help clean.  Again, I love it.  I am my mother's daughter 100%.  As a matter of fact she and I spent an entire lunch date the other day just talking about cleaning.  I think I'm a psychotic cleaner and she thinks I am a slob. That just goes to show you how much more of a clean freak she is than me!

Tomorrow I have to clean our room, get all the sheets washed, clean our bathroom and wash all the patio furniture. 

I love entertaining but I could not imagine doing it without my house being impeccable.  Inside and out. The only reason anyone would even come in the house this weekend would be to use the bathroom and I still want the place to be spotless.  I take pride in my home.  It's my job.   Plus if we get the yard looking tip top we can just keep it up for all of our summer BBQs with friends.  It's a great backyard and we have done even more landscaping this year and I planted petunias in some pots and its starting to look awesome out there!

One silly little thing I am stressed about is the fact that I sold all of our dining room chairs on Craig's List a few weeks ago and I haven't purchased new ones yet.  My dining room looks a little silly with a rug, table, buffet and wine bar but no chairs.  Honestly, I just couldn't take the old ones anymore and I haven't found new ones I love. Although, two of these and 4 or 6 of those are peaking my interest right now.  They are neutral and washable which is great for having kids and I can throw a small pillow in the armchairs if I want to spice them up or even get the two of them monogrammed.

Well, I have just rambled about who knows what for to long.  I love this blog because when I have so much running through my mind, I can jump on here, start typing and I feel like my mind stops a little bit because I got some of it out.  Anyone else feel that way about their blogging? 

P.S. Kate, if you are reading, I am also stalking my local Craig's List, eBay and I will check our PB outlet for your shower curtain! We will find it girlfriend!!! 

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