Monday, April 5, 2010

A Whole Lotta Post

I have so much going on right now that if I put it all in to different posts, I wouldn't need to write another one until 2012. I am just going to start combining posts. Sound good? Great.

Today, Adam and worked in our yard ALL DAY. I planted some new lavender bushes (they smell amazing), we had some dirt delivered to fill in a hole on the right side of the yard and we found the grossest, smelliest, dead RACCOON next to our shed. How he/she got there we have no idea. My parents came over to see us and we were eating dinner on the patio. My dad called Adam over to the side of our shed and revealed his findings. My mom and I were sitting at the table thinking that one of our cats from the pet cemetery in the back yard had been dug up. Wow that would have been traumatizing for me. That's another post. So back to the coon. We used to have a raccoon that would come up to the back door every night and stare at the cat food. It didn't freak me out because the door was between us and the cats are always in at night. One night the raccoon was gone. Maybe this is the same one? We don't know. How it died? Clueless. No one was getting close enough to find out. All I can tell you is, we think it has been there for some time because we keep thinking the garbage cans need to be cleaned out and we now know that it is from the dead animal smell. I honest to God thought about taking a picture but all that's left is the head and who wants to see that?? YUCK!!!!!

On to something else. A sad thing for me actually. I think my friends and family would agree, it's kind of the end of an era. My parents are putting their house on the market Saturday. It's hard to see that happen but they are the only ones left at home and there is just too much space. My parents came from nothing and for so many years I watched my dad work two, sometimes three jobs to give us everything. My brothers and I never wanted for anything. When my dad bought this piece of property in Dilworth, I knew he had made it. He had worked so hard and had grown in to this incredibly successful and widely admired businessman. I don't think any of us thought he would actually put a house on it. Hahaha. Two years and a whole lot of construction later, dream house. It was the greatest neighborhood and a gorgeous house. The house is admired by architecture enthusiasts and locals that walk by daily. So much has changed since we first moved in (like my room being demoed the week I moved out) but the memories are endless. I don't know a person that hasn't had a good time in that house. They are undecided as to where they are going to move right now, possibly to the beach house in Charleston, SC but most likely a condo here in the city. Still with enough room for us to have sleepovers but with less space to keep up with so they can spend more time growing old together. Here is a sneak peek of their virtual tour.

I have some random pictures from the weekend that don't really have too much to say about so I thought I would put them here too. There are a lot. Sorry but everyone always wants more pics of the kid.
We have started walking in the evenings. I am trying to loose some weight. Hoping this helps.

Aidan and I took these next two pictures by ourselves. My brother Bobby bought me an X Shot for Christmas and we actually use it a lot.

This one is much cuter.

Here is Aidan taking his picture with the X Shot.
Aidan's Easter Basket.

Aidan ready to go to my parent's for Easter.

Aidan and my dad. My dad is mocking my picture taking with this goofy smile.

Have you met my brother Bobby? He is single and looking for love. Call my mom and she will give you a list of all of his good qualities. Hahaha. For real.

Aidan took this picture of my mom. She had to bend down to get on his level.
My handsome Hubs.

Adam working in the yard Easter Sunday and as you may very well know by now, Aidan has to do EVERYTHING with Adam.

Taking a break to let me take a picture of him.

Close up.
Adam was nervous Aidan would run in the road while he was blowing off the street so he held him.

I have to ask what everyone is thinking about Tiger playing at the Master's this week and his wife not showing up to support him? I am having a really hard time with all this Tiger/Elin, Jesse/Sandra stuff going on. I don't know how well I can convey why it's bothering me but I'll try really quick. Being married, I think the worst thing in the world that could happen to a marriage is the extreme breach of trust that has happened in both of these relationships. BUT, when I got married, I vowed to stick with Adam through it all. Til' death do us part. I say all the time that forever is a really long time and there are going to be roller coaster rides somewhere in there. It doesn't make what these men have done right and I am by no means justifying their behavior. I have never been in the situation so I can't speak from experience but I tend to think that unless I honestly felt like Adam was intentionally trying to hurt me or was in love with the other woman, I would most likely try to work towards forgiving him and saving the marriage. Don't get me wrong I think that would take an immense amount of work to do, but like I said, I vowed to stay married to this person forever and I would think I owed it to my marriage to try.

We are planning a bunch of trips now that the weather is nicer. We have a trip to wine country, a beach camping trip, a river trip and another beach trip with my bestie Amanda and her boyfriend Nick (if we can work it out). I can't wait to share about all of that fun stuff coming up.

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and are enjoying this weather as much as we are!!!!

And Wow. Longest random post of all time award goes to....


  1. Aidan is so cute! Love his Easter outfit!!

    Cute family! =)

  2. So, your parents house is AH-MAZING!!! I think I'm sad that they're selling it too! haha

    As for Tiger/Elin and Sandra/Jesse...I completely agree with you. You put it into words well. I've known people who've found out that their husband have had affairs for years...but they too agreed it was "til death do we part" and worked through it and saved their marriages. I'm sure Elin is still hurt and mad at Tiger, but you're right, she should still be there...I mean, at least to monitor him and make sure he doesn't do it again!

    And that's MY rant...haha

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