Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How can it only be Weds?

Is anyone else DYING for it to be the weekend already??? I have been informed that my last post was entirely too long for people to read so I'm going to keep them short and sweet from now on!

Today my mom and I were on the search for new pillows for her bed. I picked up a few things I needed for my girlfriend Candace's baby shower. The weather here is so nice minus all of the pollen. It is literally raining pollen here. It's gross and everything is yellow!!!! My dad and I went to Best Buy tonight and purchased apple Tv. I honestly have no clue what that is. I own an iPod shuffle that Adam gave me as a gift and I can barely use that.

My mom and I are taking Aidan to the Columbia Zoo on Friday. We have taken him to the Asheboro Zoo once and my parents have taken him to Columbia once before. He is so excited he talks about it every five minutes.

Sunday we are headed to the lake with our friends Mike and Chelsea and Mike's son Ryland. We rented a pontoon boat for the day. Our boat is a little hard for the boys so we thought this might be a better idea. We are really looking forward to it.

I am meeting with my BFF Candace's sister tomm to talk about her baby shower. We are hosting it together. I am so excited. We are doing a "loose" jungle theme. It will be fun to swap ideas.

I think that's about it for today! Hope everyone is enjoying their week and I hope Kathryn passed her test!!! xoxoxo

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