Thursday, April 15, 2010

Show Us Your Life Fridays

Show Us Your Life at Kelly's Korner is back this week and the topic is Teacher's Gift Ideas.  This is my first year having a child in "school".   If you want to call it that.  So, if you think I'm getting crazy or not doing enough please let me know.  BUT, these are the women I rely on to take care of my child two days a week and he has grown immensly since being in their care and for that these things won't ever be enough!

So, these are my thoughts.  (For Christmas I had planned on giving them each personalized Christmas ornaments but Aidan was sick the entire month of December so we didn't get around to it.  I figured I could make up for it at the end of the year.)

I am going to have small totes monogrammed. I think they are great especially for teachers who lug so much back and forth to the classroom.

Inside I would like to just put a picture of Aidan with each of his teachers so that I can hand paint some cute little frames for them and put the picture inside.  Of course I don't expect them to keep his picture in there. 

I was thinking the best thing to do is pamper them at this point in the year so they will all be getting mani/pedi giftcertificates.  I mean who doesn't love that?  And of course a hand written Thank You note. I would be thrilled to get this if I were a teacher!!!

I really can't wait to hear what everyone else has for ideas.  I read some of the entries already from teachers and apparently gift cards are the way to go!!!

These are the totes I am trying to decide between...both are cute!


  1. Very cute! I like the first tote bag better. :)

  2. So sweet! I love the first tote!


  3. Totes are a GREAT gift!!! When I was student teaching my cooperating teacher gave me one and had it monogrammed. . .even though I married a year later I *still* use it!!! As a coach, my husband was once given a monogrammed duffel bag from his team and I see him using that all the time too.

  4. As a previous teacher I can promise you they will love those totes!! SO CUTE!

    Your blog is too cute! HAPPY FRIDAY!~

  5. Love the totes! Ballard Designs also sells lined linen totes and the small ones are $15 and the monogramming is free. (I have no idea what the other ones cost-- just recommending a bargain!)
