Saturday, April 17, 2010

How Did I Get Here?

I feel like I have written this post a few different ways in the past but I always love thinking about how we got to where we are in such a short amount of time. 

I was such a planner for so long.  I was never going to be married before thirty and kids were no where in sight.  I don't even know if I wanted babies way back then.  4 years ago, I met Adam and things really began to change.  I bought my first house, we moved in.  We started our life together and we were busy making this little house a home and enjoying our young, fun and very new relationship.  Three months later I was pregnant and scared out of my mind!!! Bye, bye planner!  Haha.  Nine short months later the greatest thing in the world happened to us.  The two of us stared wide eyes in the delivery room at this miracle we had created together.  We were still young and still in love but now we had a whole new perfect little thing to love.  We were a family of three.  Our love for eachother grew leaps and bounds and we were having the time of our lives with a new baby.  Ocotober came and we were married.  Already two and a half years ago!  Time flies when your having fun I guess. 

Here we are four years in to our relationship and nearing Aidan's third birthday and I'd rather figure it out day by day with these two than plan anything.  I love how things have happened and the story of how we became the Harvey's.  I wouldn't change it for the world.  I look forward to thinking back and writing posts about when it was just the three of us.  But in the meantime, I am going to enjoy this Friday night watching Disney movies with my boys.  I have never been as happy as I am right here.

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest post! Had fun with you today girly!!
