Well really, I did two bad things but the second isn't as important to me as the first. I had my first "anonymous" comment left on my blog and I immediately took it personally. Me? Take something personally? No way! Insert sarcasm. I automatically assumed because someone put an anonymous comment on my blog with a link to a story about lazy parents who let their kids go crazy eating, that I too was perceived as bad parent.
So, what did I do? I immediately called my mother and all of my closest friends. You know the ones who will always tell me the truth, and asked them if they thought I sucked at parenting. Every single one of them replied "no way, your great April." Still wasn't feeling better.
Then I thought about it for a little while and came to my senses. I chose to put my life on the internet and share things with people that aren't always pretty and once in a while I'm going to get called out on not doing the best job. The SAHM thing is my whole deal, so I take it personally when people think I am doing a bad job at it, or I am assuming that they think that. I take pride in the how Aidan is turning out. I am sure the link was meant to be helpful and not hurtful. I can't let silly comments bother me. I have way to much work to do trying to figure out how to get my kid to stop snacking. xoxoxoxo
I see where you're coming from, but I don't think you should take it personally! I'm guessing they were trying to provide snacks ideas for you and let you know you're not the only one struggling with snacks and kids. You're doing a great job, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteBut one question-- what was the other bad thing you did??
This might show up twice... Computer malfunction! I see where you're coming from, but I don't think you should take it personally! I'm guessing they were trying to provide snacks ideas for you and let you know you're not the only one struggling with snacks and kids. You're doing a great job, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteBut one question-- what was the other bad thing you did??