Monday, April 12, 2010

Mobile Uploads

I mean how cute is this kid?
I just die for this face.

Have you seen his pic with the Easter Bunny? They would seat him right next to a trash can.

Yesterday we were out on the boat all day. Aidan wore his fish towel.
He was apparently hungry.

My hot hubby.

Watching the kiddos.

Oh boy. One day we were in Shelby visiting some of Adam's friends from high school and we saw this stand selling lemonade and FUNNEL CAKES!

The name of the place was "Fat & Sassy"

For some reason I was in such a mood for a funnel cake. Last thing I need to be eating.

It grosses me out now.

This is now what Aidan does when he wants his diaper changed.

That's it for now. xoxo

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