Monday, February 22, 2010


Adam: Greatest idea ever babe.

April: What is it?

Adam: When Mare is in town this weekend, I'm going to fire up the smoker and start backyard BBQ season.

April: I cannot wait. I have been missing the patio and having everything grilled.

Adam: Mare is going to love me even more after she has some of my grilled perfection. I'm thinking wings and steaks, maybe shrimp rolled in sliced filet with cream cheese and jalapenos (LOVE BTW) maybe I'll even get crazy and try out a new rub on some ribs.

April: Sounds good...Except Mare's a vegetarian.

Adam: DAAAAAMN It! I always forget don't I? Well, not to worry, I will grill her up the best veggie burger I can find in a box.

MY BFF is going to be here in T-Minus 4 days!!!

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