Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mare Bear

One of my very best friends Mariann is flying in tomorrow for the weekend!! I couldn't be more excited. I am sad to report that I have not seen her since the week after my wedding last October! Scary. We are OBSESSED with her boyfriend Mike Arena (also known as Macarena and we do the dance) so we will be sure to visit them up North this Spring. Cannot wait already.

I digress. So she comes in tomorrow, Amanda, Aidan and I are picking her up from the airport and the festivities begin! Our weekend looks like this:

1:30: The eagle lands
2:00-5:00 Hang out at the house, feed Mare a late lunch, catch up (like we need to) let her unpack.
6:00-Dinner at home by Chef Adam
7:00-Being the process of getting ready to go out. Three girls getting ready in one bathroom can be a looooong process.
9:30-Head to Tyberpalooza. A music festival being held at our favorite neighborhood bar this weekend. Was also the location of our Engagement Party.
2:00am-Home to bed.


10-5 Eat, Nails, Eat, Shop, Eat, Shop, Eat, Shop...
6:00-Dinner Out...who knows where yet.

(I have Friday pretty down pat. Saturday will get figured out...right??)

Sunday-Mare goes home...sad.

I'll take some goods pics of us partying like it's 1999. Don't you worry!!!!

Hope everyone's weekend is great!!! <3


  1. YAY!!! I can't wait for the weekend to begin :)

  2. Macarena--- that's funny! Y'all have a great time. Bring back fun stories! :)
