Dear World,
2009 was a bad year for us. There were more downs than ups. But there were good times too. We celebrated another year of marriage. We watched Aidan grow a whole year older and gosh that is so much fun. We witnessed friends getting married and lots of babies being born and many more are on the way! Most of all I think we learned a lot about ourselves, our family, and where we really want to be in the coming year. But Goodbye 2009. It's been fun, it's be real, but it hasn't been real fun.
HELLO 2010! It already sounds better. I'm going to make a few goals/promises for myself and my family this year and the list starts here...
I promise most importantly to be a better wife this year to my hubby. I am high maintenance (did I say that out loud) and I am going to work on it. I promise to cook more. Well, I promise to learn how to cook at all. Then I will do it more.
I am going to do as much mommy/Aidan stuff as possible because I love this job and I only want to get better and better at it. I am going to read more books on parenting. Aidan, don't shoot the messenger but you are my guinea pig. Everyone else will have it a lot smoother.
I am going to make myself a true schedule. One where I have laundry days and make time for little things for myself like pedicures and a couple of days a week on the elliptical (that already sounds dreamy).
I am going to commit to my faith. At this point, I don't really care if we go Catholic or whatever Adam is (jk I know he is Southern Baptist) I just think we need to bring God back in to our lives and I think Adam is on that page too. So, I'm going to do some research on the children's mass (sounds like we're going Catholic) and get us to church AT LEAST twice a month.
I'm going to do one thing this year that makes my family proud of me. I don't know what it's going to be yet, but when I figure it out I am going to do it up huge. Last year was my triathlon so you can see where I am going with this.
I think that's about it for now. It's quite a little list. Tomorrow I am going to do nothing all day (except take Aidan and Adam to get their hair cut and our dinner party at Natalie's) and Monday morning I'm going to get up and get to work. Wish me Luck. I will most definitely need it. Hopefully, I will have some interesting posts on my progress in the future!
Happy New Year Everyone, Love The Harvey's. See you in 2010!!!