Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas...

On the blog anyways!!! I was trying to be blog savvy and created a new code for a new font (who knows if that's even what they call it) and I was so disappointed when my title didn't change! That's all I wanted. I just wanted "You, Me & The Kid" to be different. I guess I will have to settle with the ole handwriting font I now have EVERYWHERE but there. At least it seems to be everywhere. BTW, if anyone knows how to fix that PLEASE let me know!!!

Honestly, we have been a little lax around here with the Christmas decorating. Everyday we say we are going to get the tree but then something comes up. Friday, Adam worked late, Saturday we attempted to cheer the Clemson Tigers on to the Orange Bowl (that didn't go very well) and then yesterday I worked and rather than venturing out in the cold with a sick toddler, we decided to bundle up and head to McAdenville to see the Christmas lights. Readers not from NC...see here http://www.mcadenville-christmastown.com/. I should have taken some pictures but we were way too mesmerized watching Aidan.

I did manage to get my mantle complete this evening. So I do have one picture of that to show you for now. I also decided I would let Aidan try on his Christmas jammies early because he found them hidden (or stuffed in a bag at the bottom of our closet, whatevs) and wanted to wear them. I tricked him in to taking a picture next to his stocking by telling him that Santa needed a picture of him with his stocking so he knew where to put his presents. Needless to say, he bought it and his father and I better come up with some good presents. As of late, we have purchased one baseball bat and ball. We better get on it. I will post more pics of the tree when we get it! Happy Monday! xoxo

Our mantle. Yes, Adam now has a real fire burning nightly. We actually have four stockings but we're still a little family of three. Maybe next Christmas. ; )

If you don't say that's the cutest kid you've ever seen, your lying.

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