Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weird Weekend

It's been an up and down weekend for us here in the Harvey house. Maybe mostly down for me! Adam has been working so much lately, we only get to see him for a whole day on Sundays. One day a week that's it. Every other day he is up and out by 8 and home after 10. Not that I ever depended on Adam to entertain me, but recently I have been BORED out of my mind. Not that I am not content staying home with Aidan, I just think that my transition from school has been a little bit difficult. Before I went, Aidan was a lot more dependent and six months later he is doing so much on his own. I was used to getting up every morning with a plan and now I get up and feel lost. Realistically, you can't do anything all day with a two year old, so I find myself at a loss when trying to find things to fill our day. At least when it's meal time, I have that preparation time. Same with bedtime routine. I know I have a plan for that hour. Honestly though, we are currently living our life without any involvement from Adam and it is really taking some getting used to. More than anything, I miss the time with him. I know in my heart though, he is just working constantly to put money away so one day, we won't have to worry about anything and for that, I am grateful but sometimes a little bit of selfishness shows through and I wish he were just home more.
Luckily, Amanda was available to do some shopping with us Saturday afternoon. I needed some adult conversation in my life. We got some really great deals at Old Navy and Target and as a result, I had two very cute dresses to wear this weekend, Aidan has a new $5 bathing suit and Adam got a new polo. This shopping adventure is what leads me to the second part of our (or my) weird weekend. When we were in Old Navy, we saw the cutest little girls bathing suit and I was just dying to have it. For who? That's what I kept asking myself and that's why it didn't make it to the register with us. Amanda thought it was hilarious I was considering buying this bathing suit for an unborn child. It might sound funny, but that's how badly at this point the baby thing is getting. It's just a waiting game to the right time though. I still need to wait a few months. Leaving that bathing suit behind, left me with knots in my stomach. I am still so nervous about so much when I think about being pregnant again. The last thing I need to be doing is buying clothes to stash away in hopes that we get pregnant soon and in hopes its a baby girl (but everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me).
Third part of my weird weekend. I was so determined to have a great day with Adam since it's our only day with him, I didn't realize that after working 90 hours the past week, he might just want to relax. You have to understand, Aidan and I spend a lot of time in the house so this wasn't that exciting for us. Ha. So, Adam relaxed and Aidan and I sat around and watched him relax. It wasn't that thrilling and it made me sad to think that this is how we were spending our "Family Day" but what do we expect. The man has to have some down time. I was more than a little sad to think about the day coming to an end and him going back to work tomorrow.
Hopefully, this week Aidan and I will work harder at adjusting to our new life without "Dada" and weird weeks won't be a trend we start.

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