Friday, June 26, 2009

Lazy Friday...

I feel like Aidan and I have been going A LOT lately so today, I thought we would just hang around the house in our jammies and watch movies all day. It has been so hot outside here that it takes it out of you just going back and forth from the car! Well so far, the day has been great! Adam came home and had lunch with us (which was a picnic on our bed). In a little while, I think we are going to put on some shorts and t shirts and head to my parents to see what they are up to for the weekend. My brain is working in slow motion right now, so in the absence of something interesting to talk about, I am just going to DEBUT the new blog layout! Let me know what you think! Also, I am not a computer genius by any means, so if someone could let me know the easy way to add new fonts to your page (not the basic ones) I would really appreciate it! Thanks and The Harvey's hope you have a fabulous weekend!

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