Friday, June 26, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Fridays

I have been following this blog I somehow fell upon through reading other friends of friends blogs. It is a great blog (for "SOUTHERN" moms) and she is always keeping it interesting. One of the things she does is every Friday she has "Show Us Where You Live Fridays". I have been thinking about participating for a couple of weeks but my house is very boring. This week I figured oh what the heck. This week is Master Bedrooms. Here are my pics...

This is my bedroom from the is VERY small...we like to say it's "Cozy"...the bed is from Pottery Barn. I love it because it has the extra baskets for storage and Adam has more clothes than most. The stool is from Ikea and belongs to the Aidanator. The shelf is also from Ikea (for the bargain price of 19 bucks people). Bedding is ALL Pottery Barn. I know it's not that exciting but let me tell you guys...the bed is the most comfortable thing you will ever sleep on!
Aidan love, love, loves our bed so I added the picture of him from today watching his Curious George DVD. The last picture is of our monogramed pillow. Just something cute. I am a little monogram obsessed. We of course have a flat screen TV on the opposite wall but everyone knows what they look like and I am not fond enough of all the wires coming out the bottom of it to post on here!!!
So sad to hear about Farrah and Michael! May the both rest in peace!


  1. Your bedroom is gorgeous!! I love your colors that you chose and I really like that shelf above your bed!

  2. your little man is too cute :)

  3. Love me some pottery barn as well!!!

  4. LOVE your bedroom, the colors are beautiful and your son is way to cute! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Love your room! (And Pottery Barn is never boring...)
