Friday, May 29, 2009

Thinking about this blog thing...

I was talking with my BFF Amanda today (as we were on one of our million journeys to who knows where) about what it would take to have a successful blog. I don't think I really gave it a good try the first time around. Is my life interesting enough that people would actually read a blog I wrote? There isn't tremendous drama or tragedy in my life, I'm not popping out kids like it's going out of style (although if I thought I had the energy I would), I am not this magnificent chef that can blog new recipes I whipped up in my free time. So what would I blog about? I still haven't come up with an answer. Maybe that's just it though. If I just try to blog about what's going on in my life or what I'm thinking at the moment, it might come out semi interesting. So here is goes...

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