Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sorry Fellow Readers!

Sorry everyone for being such a bad blogger recently. I know I promised in the beginning of this whole thing to keep it up. I promise to work harder. The summer has been crazy for us. If anyone knows what happened to the last 3 months please call me and let me know!
So, I will try to update you as much as a I can. We of course had Aidan's 1st birthday at the beginning of June and since then life has been crazy. We headed to Folly Beach for the 4th sans the little guy (who stayed with Nana and Grandpa) for our last weekend there until next August. My dad decided to rent it out this year so we could explore our options of a possible new beach house at a new beach. Don't know how excited that makes me, considering I have fallen in love with Folly and am just know totally comfortable getting around there and Charleston. The trip was nice but not at all relaxing. I think as we get older (not old) and as we are growing as a family and not just as a couple, the things that used to be important to us aren't so much anymore. So needless to say not everyone wanted to do the same stuff on the beach trip as us. I think our idea was 3 days without the baby...let's lay on the beach and drink beer and talk about our hopes and dreams together whereas everyone else, just wanted to party. Well it was the last beach trip for a looooooong time so maybe next summer we will all be back on the same page. I won't keep my fingers crossed.
At the end of sweet sweet boy took his first steps. My dad, Jordan, Adam and myself were all there. We were standing in the kitchen joking about my mom overeating (AGAIN) and Aidan just stood up and took about 4 steps and sat back down. He laughed the hardest I've probably ever seen him and I think everyone but Jordan cried. It was great, such a milestone in his little life. That same weekend we had my bridal shower. It was wonderful. Pink and chocolate everything! I got great gifts and had a magnificent time with all my friends and family. Adam's mom came in town and we really got to spend some quality time with her.
August rolled around and I turned the big 25 on the 4th. Adam invited some of my friends out for sushi and it was so much fun. The band Journey was there and one of the guys from Extreme Makeover Home Edition was as well. Quite a celebrity hot spot that night. My birthday came and went and here we are now two months away from wedding time and we still have so much to do! That reminds me, I better call the wedding planner. Love you all!

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