Monday, January 13, 2014

Halloween 2013

I'm literally laughing that I am so far behind on blogging that I'm posting about Halloween!  It's January! 

I have been dying for the day I could dress Aidan and Kellan up as a "tag team" for Halloween.  Adam and I went back and forth for weeks on what we would dress them as.  Full disclosure: I was way more in to this project than Adam.  He said "yes" to everything!

Maverick and Goose

Batman and Robin

The old man and the boy scout from the Movie "Up"

Fish and Chips

We (I) decided on a pirate and his parrot. 

I knew I wanted to make their costumes.  That's my new thing.  Making my children's costumes.  I was so pumped about it.  I was thinking about it day and night.  Ha!

I bought a rainbow boa and hot glued it to a bright blue long sleeve onesie for Kellan's parrot costume.  I had a hat that was Aidan's when he was a baby and so I just took some of the leftover boa and glued it to that.  I had planned on putting some yellow tights on him but as my luck would have it,  it was a pretty mild night when we Trick or Treated so we were able to let him show off his legs.
For Aidan, we (he and I) brainstormed big time.  We ended up using a white polo shirt and an old pair of his jeans.  I cut the jeans below the knee and we covered them in black and brown shoe polish to make them look "dirty".  I had a wide black leather belt from probably eighth grade that I wrapped around him twice and we stuck a pirate gun in his waist.  I gave him a smokey eye and threw on his Pirates of the Carribean hat from Disney.  Added a couple of gold chains and voila! He was my little pirate! 

Adam was sad to have to work on Kellan's first Halloween but my brother "Uncle Bobby" stepped in and came with us.  Trick or treating is not easy with children.  You have sore feet, costume malfunction, wanting to stop at every house to eat all your candy, the stroller/wagon to push and a baby to juggle.  But even with all of that nonsense, it's still so much fun.  And my brother was such a big help.  We got a few good laughs out of how many people thought Kellan was a chicken.  

I'm already thinking about next year! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm like a year behind on my blog. BUT! I discovered you can back-date posts so they are in their proper place- did you know?! I loved their costumes. So creative! It's fun making them, isn't it?
