Another anniversary post.
We made it another year.
Barely, but we made it baby. : )
I thought the end of last year was a hard year for us but 2013 decided to take the cake.
This year we really had to live up to the vows we took 6 years ago.
I can't tell you how many times I repeated "for better or worse" over and over in my head.
And I'm sorry if there were times I let you down or didn't focus enough on us.
We've both made mistakes and this marriage is not perfect.
But I learned so much this year.
Forgiveness is a wonderful thing.
Your happiness and our family is my top priority.
We are a team.
We hurt together, laugh together, love together.
And together is the only place I've ever wanted to be.
Thanks for sticking it out everyday with me.
This is going to be one hell of a love story.
I love you so much.
This is so beautiful and so true. Together everything is better...even the really bad stuff!