Monday, October 7, 2013

Bathroom Make Over

This was our bathroom after we had been here a few years and I had painted it no less than half a dozen times, and tried to update it on the smallest budget you can ever imagine.  I didn't love it but we lived with it.

Then we finished some other projects that were higher on the list and we remodeled the bathroom. FINALLY. Well really what happened was...Adam was in Lowe's and got a killer deal on that vanity and the next thing I knew, our entire bathroom was remodeled in a week.  I didn't complain.  But we hate that vanity. 
This is our bathroom now:
Much better, right?  We still did it on budget but it look a thousand times better.
 It needed a little accessory face lift.  I budgeted myself $100 and here is the inspiration board I pulled together for myself so I could stay in budget.  P.S. Who doesn't love shopping at Target?

Total before tax: $95.93
Not too shabby!

Pictures of our bathroom newly accessorized coming soon!

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