Sunday, September 29, 2013

Visiting the Cemetery

We took Aidan to the cemetery to show him where his Great Grandfather was buried.

It's a crazy thing trying to explain death and heaven and the concept of being buried.  It's even harder to explain that we believe life goes on after death and in our hearts we believe Grandpa is in the greatest of places.  But we're talking through it everyday and it helps he's in religion classes everyday and we've started back to church.  

Speaking of church, after Mass this morning Aidan took it upon himself to totally blind side our priest in a group of people and tell him his Great Grandfather had passed away.  All I can say is Thank God for Father Franks quick, sweet words and ability to easily speak to children otherwise we could have been there awhile.  

But I've totally gone off track.  Back to the cemetery. We took Aidan to the cemetery.  When we first walked over to the grave, I could tell Adam was a little weepy.  And rightfully so.  Totally unprompted Aidan clasped his hands behind his back and looked up at Adam and said "he was a good man".  To which Adam replied "yes, he was" before we all broke out in laughter. It was the sweetest thing and just what we needed. 

Adam's Great Grandmother is also buried in the same spot.  The flowers that were in one of the vases looked like they had been there since she passed away in the late 70s and the cement vases were literally crumbling.  

I made a call to the office at the cemetery, had them replaced and ran out and put together two small arrangements to spruce the place up for the fall. 

It was fun to do with Aidan and it gave us a chance to hear stories about Adam's childhood with his Grandfather.  He was more of a Dad than a grandfather so he had some good tales to tell.  And I know Adams Grandmother was touched we spent the time out there.  

Any day is a good day when I'm with my three boys but this was a really special Saturday morning.  

(Not a silk flower fan at all but that's the name of the game around these parts. Wait til' you see what I've got cookin' for a Christmas arrangement) 

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