Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mike's Pig Roast

Our good friend Mike turned the big 28 last month and his girlfriend (also our dear friend) Chelsea, threw him a birthday party. This year she decided she wanted to do a pig roast. 

This is the hole the guys dug to cook the pig in.  You dig it the day before and burn fire wood in the bottom. That creates coals to roast the pig. 

Then they took the pig out to the garage where they laid it atop chicken wire that we had lined with banana leaves and then aluminum foil. 
Adam injected it with a concoction of V8 Tropical Fruit Juice, Brown Sugar, Cider Vinegar and Pineapple Juice.

Then we rubbed the entire thing down with Brown Sugar and Kosher Salt.  Even Aidan got in on the fun. 
Kellan on the other hand, slept in his stroller. 
Once we were done rubbing the pig down we rolled him up in the chicken wire. He looked like he was in a banana leaf coffin.  After that the guys loaded him in to the hole and covered him with dirt.  We headed home for the night and literally prayed he would be cooked all the way through the next day. 
We had some things to do around the house the next morning but I whipped up a little birthday chalk board to display on the food table and we headed out. 

Aidan was at the pool with friends so it was just us and Kel.  Don't you love Adam's gas station sun glasses?  The man cannot keep a nice pair of sunglasses in one piece so he has to go with cheap ones now. 

Adam dug him out.
We were so anxious to see how the big guy had turned out.  Especially because there were close to 50 people standing around hoping to eat him!
They loaded him up and we crossed our fingers.
And Ta Da! He was perfect!
Who knew you could cook that much meat in the ground!
Then came the fun part. Adam and I "picked" the entire pig.  I guess that's what I get being married to a guy who has spent some time in the BBQ biz.

Then I could not eat a single bite and needed a shower so we headed home for a few hours to escape the heat, pick up our main man and sleep off the excitement from the day and previous night. 
We went back out later on that night and it was great to see tons of old friends and celebrate such an important person to us! 
It was a successful birthday celebration for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time, that pig was huge! Where do you buy a pig!
