Monday, July 22, 2013

July 4th with Jules, Joel & Jackson

Round 2 Fourth of July
My girlfriend Julie (Family Jules to us) called me on the 3rd and said "lets go to fireworks at South Park tonight".  And that my friends is exactly what we did.
She and I both shopped for apps, wine, beer and champagne and although at first I really did think we were going to get rained out, we met them anyway and it ended up being such a fun night!
Kellan was too cool to hang out with his parents and opted to roll from side to side and swipe his mitts at Julie and Joel's food and drinks for a little while on their blanket.  I'm telling you, the kid will be crawling before we know it!

Aidan totally abandoned us for a friend from school.  And yes Julie and Joel ALWAYS intentionally dress alike.  And we always entertain our 7 month old with blades of grass.

Kellan has become such a little party animal.  He drinks with the best of em'.

Joel and a Sparkler.

I'm weirdly in love with this fuzzy firework photo. 

There were cannons that went off before the show started and Kellan freaked out a little bit and I had a second where I thought "maybe this is a bad idea" but he literally cried for 22 seconds and then was in awe of the fireworks.

See Aidan was there.

We called it a night after the fireworks because we are old, married and with children but the next day we were up bright and early to head up town with Julie and Joel and their little man Jackson. 
Scary photo of me. And Adam now that I'm looking at it again.  

Kellan's first ride EVER on the light rail. Doing big things people, big things.  He literally smiles at everyone that makes eye contact with him.   If you turn away he will continue to smile or laugh until you are forced to look at him again.

Jackson and Aidan. Aidan loves Jackson. He is down to do whatever Aid wants to do.  On this particular day they wore hats (Aidan's was in the stroller at this point) their police badges and walkie talkies and they were "Cops". Jackson is a great sport.  You can kind of see the walkie talkies on their left hips.  They have become good buds.

We had balloon swords made by a guy and just as that happened the news was there to shoot activities going on uptown for the 4th and they taped a few minutes of the boys having a sword fight.  I was so proud to know my child would be on local TV in the hat my husband purchased him at the rodeo.

We wrapped up the afternoon with a game of bowling at Strike City.  I had never been.  The boys by this point were just about burnt out and after a game we were back on the light rail and headed home.
Look at that form!
Jules helps Jackson bowl.

Kellan was exhausted but refused to nap. He is at the point where is so afraid to miss something exciting with his brother so he fights his sleep.   He doesn't ever get super cranky, he just rubs his little eyes in between bursts of laughter with Aidan.

It was a really great day.  We were so happy we got to spend it with these friends.  We don't see them enough! 

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