My Aidan.
You're 6. I still remember your birth like it was yesterday. Holy Hell was I nervous. First baby jitters I guess.
BUT! Once you were in my arms every single ounce of doubt I had flew out the eighth floor window of that hospital!
I did not know LOVE until I had you baby boy. I did not know.
You changed me. You've made me better.
I know, I know. Every letter, every birthday, it all sounds the same. It's just so true.
This year during your fifth year of life you had a big change. Besides growing a few inches, and speaking clearer and graduating to go on to Kindergarten, you became a big brother!
And I owe you a Thank You. You have been absolutely marvelous. You help me, you are quiet at nap time without being asked, you brag to everyone about your brother, you lean across the car and hold his hand when he's upset. I could not do it without your six year old heart in it with me.
Your brother is the luckiest kid alive because he has you. We're all lucky to have you.
It is not just your birthday, it's the anniversary of you making us a family.
We love you Aidan.
We love you so very much.
Happy Birthday Baby.
Love, Mom
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