Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lauren Jackson Photography

We had not had professional family photos done since Aidan was just learning how to walk.  Isn't that crazy?  I've become pretty decent at taking photos of him myself but I really wanted some nice new photos of us as a family of four.  Enter Lauren Jackson. Years ago she did pics for my girlfriend Melissa and had recently done some for one of Melissa's friends and my blog buddy Brooke.  She was focusing more on wedding photography but I figured I would shoot her an email and beg her to take some pics of us.  And so I did and she agreed!  I was thrilled!  Thrilled! She was so lovely to work with and even Adam who can't ever seem to get comfortable when having his photo taken commented that she made it so easy for all of us.  We are totally hooked.  I've already started a fund to have her take some more pictures of us for our Christmas card this year. 

Lauren, Thank you so much for sharing your gift with our family.  We love the pictures so much! Can't wait to work with you again soon!

And if anyone is interested in hiring Lauren you can check her out on her website! Prepare to be impressed!





  1. Those are awesome!!! So glad you got to have her, she is fabulous!!

  2. Amazing! So happy you did these and love your outfit choices. Too cute. I would frame them all!

  3. I just saw this for the first time. THANK YOU for your sweet words!!!! xoxo!!!
