Monday, May 27, 2013

Last Days of TK

 Last week was Aidan's last week of Preschool EVER!  I knew the time was going to come eventually but the school year really did seem to fly by!  As excited as I am for him to go on to Kindergarten, make new friends and learn all sorts of new things, I got so used to our routine the past four years.  I fell in love with the staff and all of his teachers at his school and I am so sad to not get to see them everyday. I'm holding on to the fact that Kellan will be in the program in a year and a half. Haha!
They do such a cute job with the Graduation ceremony.  They sang a few songs and each child received a diploma.  Their little caps and gowns are just adorable.
Even though we went through the exact ceremony last year, this year it was ten times more emotional because I know Aidan will not be back.  For the longest time he was dreading Kindergarten but last week I took him for a ride by his new school and pointed out how close he was going to be to Nana and Grandpa's house and now that he can "put a place with a name"?? he seems much less nervous about the big change. 
 Kellan was an angel.  We got there a few minutes early to get a front row seat and Adam walked him around until he fell asleep.  He slept through the whole ceremony with the exception of the last ten minutes.  I fed him a bottle and he didn't make a peep. 

Aidan of course wanted his picture taken with his baby brother.  He is crazy about Kellan. 
We gave Aidan a sweet card packed full of Kindergarten encouragement that he can't really even comprehend yet and a balloon and he thought it was the greatest day!
We truly are so proud of him!  We can't wait to see the success that awaits him in elementary school.

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