Monday, April 29, 2013

The Brothers Harvey

You can't turn back time but if I could, I would have had Kellan a few years ago.  There are advantages of having such a big age difference in these two but now that I've seen how much they both already enjoy each other, I wish they were a tad bit closer in age so they could play together more.  Not that I think the age difference is going to stop either of them from wanting to hang out with the other. 
Aidan is such a good big brother.  
 Someone said to me once that even though having another baby was going to change his life so much that giving him a sibling would be the greatest gift we could ever give him.
And already it has been such a gift.
He's planned so much for the two of them.  Fort building and bike rides and boys trips with Daddy and Scout.  He makes it all sound so good I wish I could somehow be along for the ride. 
The adventures of the Brothers Harvey have only just begun!

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