Monday, April 15, 2013

Easter 2013

This post is only a couple weeks late! 
We had a simple, quiet Easter here.   Aidan slept in Easter morning but we had a good time getting excited about the Easter Bunny coming for a visit around 10am.  We had dinner with my parents and my Mom cooked a delicious meal.  I'm still dreaming about that prime rib.  We made a stop at Adam's parents and grandparents as well.  Aidan ended up with 5 Easter baskets at the end of the day! 
Visit with the Easter Bunny.
Easter Egg Hunt at school.
Kellan's First Easter Basket.  Full of teething toys and lavender baby wash. 
Aidan's basket.   He was a little disappointed there was not more candy.  Personally, I was super proud of myself for not overdoing it this year.  We are trying to be more intentional about the "reason for the seasons" around here.  We talked a lot about Jesus and him rising from the dead than we did about the Easter Bunny for the first time. 
I put Easter Bunny prints on our front walkway.  Aidan almost passed out from excitement when he saw them.
I love when Kellan falls asleep on me.  Either of my boys.  It's the best.

He's a great Daddy.  Handsome too. 

Could these two be any more gorgeous? I'm so lucky to be their Mom. 

Hubs and Wife selfies. 
Family selfies since every picture my Mom took of us was awful.  Sorry Ma! Not that this is much better! Haha!

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