Friday, March 1, 2013

Snow Day-Kellan's First

We finally got a little bit of snow here in Charlotte a few weeks ago.  Can you tell I am a little bit behind on posts?  Aidan had been DYING for it to snow so we were thrilled when it started to come down.  He was with my parents when it started and we were in Costco.  We came out of the store and it was literally a winter wonderland.  We rushed over to my parents to get him and as soon as we walked in the door, he and Adam suited up and headed out! I didn't get any pictures that night because my in-laws came over to hang out and I was busy visiting with them but the next morning we were up bright and early to catch what was left before it all melted and I snapped a few pics then!

Adam and Aidan mid snow ball fight.

Luckily Adam is a good sport and was more than excited to let Aidan pelt him with snowballs all morning.

Happy camper.

Mommy and Baby matching faux fur pom pom hats. 

Family photo.  Aidan and I look like we are ready for Aspen.  Adam is more appropriately dressed. It was almost 50 degrees at this point! Ha! 

Hubs and Wife

Two of my favorite boys. 

Kellan's First Snow. He looks THRILLED! 
Now bring on the Spring!

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