Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Weekend in the Park

There are several parks close to our house here in Charlotte but the biggest of them is Freedom Park.  After a walk on the Little Sugar Creek Greenway last Saturday morning, we decided we would head over to the park because Aidan was dying for some time on the playground.  We should have known it was going to be packed.  It was such a gorgeous day!  We spent a few hours and then it was home to get ready for our date night.  We decided we had to come back the following day and spend some more time.  So on Sunday, we picked up some burritos, grabbed a couple of blankets and headed to the park for the afternoon.  The fresh air was just what this family needed!  My parents even came out and joined us for a little while.  We laid out a blanket on Hippie Hill and it was the perfect afternoon!

The three Harvey boys.  Kellan passed right out on Adam.  Typical. 

Aidan eating his Mexican grilled cheese (quesadilla)

Kellan enjoying a nap in the shade while Nana sits with him.  
I couldn't be happier about Spring being right around the corner.  We have had some gorgeous days here and it feels like a little more warm sunshine is just what this Harvey family needs.  Every year I am so excited for the winter to come and then equally excited for the warm weather to come back.  This year I've been a bit more anxious for the warmer weather so we can finally get out of the house more with our little man.  I'm dying to show off the rolls on his sweet little thighs! Plus Aidan starts his first season of T-Ball! I can't wait!

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