Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3 Months Old!

Kellan, You are three months old baby boy!  Time has really flown by.  What a roller coaster of a three months!  You are the baby I will always remember that tested my ability as a mother.   That's not a bad thing! You are just totally unpredictable! Every time I think I have you figured out, you throw me a curve ball.  We're learning new things with you everyday.

I have no idea how much you weigh but if I had to guess I would say around 13 lbs.  You have really grown these past few weeks.  Everywhere we go, our friends and family are shocked at how much bigger you are.  I love that you are turning in to such a chunky monkey but I'm already longing for that skinny little baby that I had just a few months ago.  You are wearing a size 2 diaper, 3-6 Months in clothes and eating a ton!  We were nursing every couple of hours AND supplementing with formula.  Then just like with your brother, my supply started to dwindle.  I was pumping overtime, take Fenugreek, drinking tons of water and nothing.  You still nurse but I know you are getting hardly anything. It has to be a comfort thing for you. I think we're days from being strictly on formula but it's more important to me to enjoy my time with you than to stress over the breast feeding thing.  You are happy and that's what matters!

Your smile is the best! You are cooing and acknowledging us when we talk to you.  When Daddy comes home if you hear him and he doesn't come straight to you, you get upset.  Am I going to have two boys that worship their Dad? We've realized you are easily overstimulated so we are trying to keep you away from bigger groups of people.  Obviously that will change but for now it's not too big of a deal.  You enjoy being held and thankfully the weather in getting nicer because you seem to be happiest in mine or Daddy's arms and outside. 

Your brother is getting more and more crazy about you.  The little boy next door was visiting last week and you were crying in your swing.  He said to Aidan "what's wrong with that baby" and your brother jumped to your defense replying "nothing is wrong with him, he just likes to cry".  It was funny.  Grandma babysat you guys on Saturday night and she said when you were upset Aidan said "here, just give him to me" and he was able to soothe you.  He's looking forward to being able to share his toys with you and having a pal to play outside with.

Last Wednesday night I decided you were going back in your crib and there was no going back!  We had planned on waiting until the weekend but I just decided the middle of the week was perfect.   You slept from 8:30-1, 1:30-4 and then 4-7.  The second and third night you did not get up at 1 and Saturday night you slept from 9-7:30am!  Last night from 8:30-5! I'll take it! You are doing pretty well.  I have a small desk fan in the corner of your room and a sound machine going for you and you seem to be content with those things.  You sleep in an Aden and Anais wearable blanket and that gives me peace of mind that you are not cold.  You cry for a bit when we put you down but overall I think the transition has gone amazing.

I have never been a Bumbo fan (no reason really other than trying to cut down on "stuff") but when you were crying all the time I was willing to try anything. We borrowed this Bumbo from Candace and we thought you loved it.  That lasted about a week and now you melt down when you are in it. 

Still loving the Moby Wrap.  Your arms could be out here but you kept hooking them together and holding them at chest level so you can't see them! I feel like most days you are in it and that's OK with me.  I'm a pro at putting it on alone.  FINALLY.

Your growing, growing, growing bud!  Although days with you can be very trying, we love them all!
I feel less like a disaster and more in control.  I know what everyone of your cries means and Daddy and (Aidan just about too) have almost mastered how to please you at the drop of a hat.  We're a pretty good team around here!

I sometimes still cannot believe we are a family of four.  It seemed like you were never going to get here when I was pregnant with you and now that you are, it's all going by too fast.   We all love you so much Kellan.  Happy Three Months baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 3 months Kellan! Can't believe how much you have grown. You are a doll baby and so loved by your sweet mommy, daddy and big brother. How do I know you ask? It shows so strongly in all the pictures and words they share about you sweet boy. Hoping we get to meet soon!
    Mommy... let's do a play date now that you feel like your head is back on straight ;) I totally get it... totally can see it happening again in 5 months!
