I started the meeting off by being 15 minutes late. I thought my time slot was at a different time! Nice. Luckily, his teacher was running behind as well and she wasn't upset.
Well this conference was different than I thought it would be! I get to brag on my boy! With the exception of needing to work on some letter sounds and nailing down our address and my telephone number, he is doing GREAT. There are obviously areas he can work on but there are even more areas that he excels in! My "just had a baby and I'm super emotional" self wanted to burst in to tears hearing this. I've been so worried he would fall of the wagon with the big change of the new baby right in the middle of the school year.
For a few minutes I was wondering if his teacher had mistaken me for someone elses Mom. Not that I don't think Aidan is a wonderful kid but just like every other five year old, he struggles with listening to me, sharing at times, throwing the occasional tantrum and all the other fun stuff that goes with being his age. She must have said how sweet he is five times. It's such an answer to my prayers for Aidan to be liked by his teacher and classmates and do well in his schooling. I think he is getting a great foundation for Kindergarten with this teacher. She is wonderful. And I'm not just saying that because she had so many nice things to say about my son.
I have worked so hard with Aidan. No one is joking when they tell you that your involvement with your child makes all the difference in the world. Every time we get in the car together I am making him count something or point out a color, object or letter. We sound out street signs, license plates or our friends names. We've made up cheers to remember how to spell his middle name. Give me a "W"!!! "W!!!" Give me an "I". "I!!!"
It's kind of starting to sink in that he will be off to real school next year. I will never regret keeping him in the pre school program another year. The extra time I got to spend with him alone was worth it but he has really matured this year and I feel much better about sending him. Last year I still thought he was such a baby. My baby.
I don't know why I was so caught off guard to get such a great report but his work has paid off and I'm so proud of this kid. I'll know better next time. To Kindergarten we go!
Great read, thanks for writing this