Monday, December 10, 2012

The No Baby Update

We're still here!  And Kellan is still baking.  No real sign of him making his debut anytime soon but that could change in a moments notice!!! 

I've been spending my days getting ready.  Hair is highlighted, nails have been done, cleaning lady has come, hospital bags are packed (finally) car seat is installed in the car, all baby gadgets have been assembled and are ready for use.  Now all we need is the baby.
He will come when he wants! 
Thanks to two Mom's that thought it would be a good idea to bring their sick kids to a birthday party we attended Saturday, Aidan has come down with a cold.  I literally Lysoled our entire lives and we've been washing hands like crazy but it still caught us.   I will be heartbroken if he can't come see the baby because he is sick!

This is my latest bump pic.  If you follow me on Instagram you have probably already seen it.  
This is from the front (obviously).   I think it gives you a better picture of what we're dealing with here.  I got HUGE like over night last week.   Bending over has officially become near impossible.  Climbing in to my car is hilarious. Most of the time I don't make it all the way and then slam half of my butt in the door.  It's glamorous.  I teeter toter on wanting to eat nothing and everything in sight.  For the sake of my husband not remembering me pigging out in PJ's everyday, I've tried to control it.  

Saturday night after Aidan was in bed my brother came over and Adam and I went out to see the latest Twilight movie.  Save your dollars and wait for it to come out on Demand.  And that's all I have to say about that!  
I hope you all are enjoying this holiday season!  And getting your shopping done early!!


  1. Are you passed your due date yet? I don't have too much to complain about but I'm starting to just be over this pregnancy thing. That being said, I still hope she stays in until February!

    I'm so thrilled for your family! Still can't believe there will be a new "character" on your blog!

    1. Due date is Thursday! I fully intend to go 41 weeks with this guy. He's cozy!
