Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kellan 2 Weeks Old!

He's really 16 days old now but that's close enough to two weeks to still get a post done!

What's up with our little man...

You only fit in to newborn clothes.  I tried to put some of your 3mos stuff on you but your swimming in it.  Therefore we are recycling the same 5 or 6 outfits right now.

 You sleep a lot!  Your favorite place to sleep is on Mommy and Daddy's chest.   You took a 30 minute nap in your crib today. I am hoping you will start to warm up to sleeping in there!
You hate to have your diaper changed and we change them often! I think it's because you hate being cold. Daddy is a much faster diaper changer than I am so he has started taking diaper duty when he is here. 
You have a weird feeding schedule.  You eat every 2-3 hrs with the exception of a 4 hour stretch every afternoon when you take your longest nap.
You sleep pretty well for the first half of the night.  If I feed you at 12:30, you sleep until 4 or 5 and then you sleep until 9 or 10.  Getting you back to sleep at 4 is no easy task.  
We have your two week check up tomorrow. I am sure they will tell us you are back to your birth weight plus some! Update: Went to the Dr. You weigh 9lbs 4oz!
Yesterday was your first Christmas! Grandpa took Aidan shopping and he bought you the cutest hedgehog stuffed animal.  I am sure you are going to love it.  You got lots of Baby's First Christmas ornaments and slept for the majority of the day.  You met all of Daddy's side of the family in Dallas, NC.
Speaking of Christmas, Daddy had four days (sorta) off and he finally got some good time to bond with you.   We are now referring to him as the "Baby Whisperer".   It's safe to say he just gets you.
Daddy and I had a date night last Friday and Grandma and Grandpa stayed with you.  Sunday we went to the last home Panther's game and Amanda and Meredith came over to hang out with you and Aidan.  You slept the entire time we were gone both times.
Your cry is a very high pitched scream and we try our best to avoid hearing it.  You like to break it out in the middle of the night right when everyone has finally fallen asleep. 

Your umbilical cord finally fell all the way off and any day we are going to give you your very first bath. 

You were born with a sacral dimple and we have had a neurologist do an ultrasound on it.  So far, so good but we are going to have it looked at again in a few weeks. 

Your brother is crazy about you.  When you cry, he comes right over and tries to help figure out what is upsetting you.  He tells everyone that you look just like him as a baby and he is beaming with pride when people ask him about you.  I can tell you guys will be fast friends.

I can't believe you have been here for two weeks already!  I was in Nana's bathroom tonight and I couldn't help but think about being in there just a few weeks ago leaning on her vanity through contractions.  The pain felt unbearable but I was so excited that I was going to finally meet you!  Now you've been here two weeks and that all is starting to feel like a distant memory.  We love you so much!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats...Kellan is ADORABLE! I have been reading your blog for about a year but took a blog break when the school year started. I wanted to check and see how your pregnancy was going and - surprise - you had the baby already!!
    I had my little one without pain meds so I know what you went through, but she was a little peanut!
    Glad to see that you and the family are well!
