Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Apple Picking

When I lived in Massachusetts we lived right around the corner from an apple orchard and we used to walk there from our house often but I can't for the life of me remember ever picking a single apple.  So since the summer has slowly started to roll in to the fall, I was thinking of something we could do to enjoy the season change.   An blog friend posted pictures of her little boy at an orchard on Instagram and I thought "what a great idea." 

She coincidentally recommended the same orchard in the foothills of NC that a friend of ours did.  Sky Top Orchards in Flat Rock.  Saturday after a birthday party in the morning we hit the road and in less than two hours we were there! The weather report called for perfect weather but honestly IT WAS HOT!

We still picked a half bushel of apples in a few varieties, enjoyed a few caramel apples on the ride home and picked up a delicious home made apple pie to share with my parents when we returned.  It was a day for the books for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Apple picking is fun for all ages! It's a great way to celebrate fall and enjoy the cool, crisp air on a nice day.
