Monday, September 10, 2012

Aidan's 5 Year Well Visit

Last week we went to Aidan's 5 year well visit.  We also used this as a time to make sure his pneumonia was good and gone!

I am happy to report, we have a very healthy boy on our hands!!!

He weighs exactly 50 lbs and he is 46" tall.  He weight is perfect for his height. 

He had all the nurses in the hallway chuckling because when he did his vision test and they pointed to the flag he said "that's the Grand Old Flag".  It was so cute.

He has a little bit of leftover congestion from being sick coupled with some allergy symptoms so he had perfect hearing in one ear and not so much in the other. Probably due to fluid in his ear.  We are going to re check it in December but no one was super concerned.

He asked me days ago if I thought he was going to get any shots and I just couldn't lie to him.  He's old enough to know what's up and he didn't have any anxiety prior to the appointment. I am deathly afraid of needles so it's hard for me to pretend like shots don't scare me too.  I held it together for him.  He got a finger prick first which was awful because he does not like to see blood and the nurse tricked him in to thinking that there was nothing inside the "finger pricker".  I didn't think that was very nice.  They held off with two of his vaccines because he has recently been on steroids but they did give him his flu shot.  He was in absolute panic mode.  He wanted me to hold him and when she gave him the shot, the needle was still in his arm and he started to laugh. I looked at him like "whaaa" and he said "it doesn't even hurt". I was so relieved.  He was thrilled because I had secretly promised him the Darth Vader watch he has been wanting at the Lego store. I'm not above bribing him when I know he's in for something rough. 

I was a little shocked but our pediatrican said that if Aidan could swallow the small white part broken off of a candy corn, he could start taking pills! So this week we of course had to get candy corn and he could swallow it!  Why am I still terrified he would choke on a pill?

We decided we would give him his other two shots when his baby brother goes in for his first appointment in December.  Our pediatrican had a "Big Brother" tee shirt made for Aidan and she plans to give it to him then! I hope it makes him brave enough to tough out those shots.  What would I bribe him with that close to Christmas that I wasn't already giving him? Haha!

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