Weight Gain: 9lbs. 8.5 of those (at least) are in my boobs.
Baby's size: The size of a Chinese cabbage? Who knows who comes up with these things. Anyways...2.25 lbs!
Sleep: My Dr. assures me nothing is wrong with the fact that I have gone through TWO bottles of Tylenol PM since being pregnant. I could not sleep without the stuff. Seriously considering a new mattress because that has to be why my hips hurt!
Maternity Clothes: I bought another pair of jeans. They are so comfortable! Two words: FULL PANEL. Four or five tank tops to wear with long cardigans. A cardigan and some long sleeve tops. And I couldn't go without a pair of maternity yoga pants in black and grey. I'm done.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. Still in to veggies. Mexican might be making a comeback.
Food aversions: No ice cream. I'm forcing myself to eat a little meat to get some protein.
Symptoms: Where do I start? I have so much pressure in my lower abdomen. Dr says he's just hanging out low and my abdominal muscles aren't the same. Chest pain/shortness of breath. Sciatica. I had it with Aidan but this is worse. Every morning I wake up with the worst cramp on my right side. Adam (the amazing) leaves a glass of water on my nightstand every morning for me to chug before I get out of bed. Hoping that will start to cure the cramp. I'm exhausted all the time. This may be a Tylenol PM hangover. Heartburn is much better. Rarely nauseous anymore. Trying to keep my eye on the prize. This is where I come to vent. =)
Doctor’s Appointment: Last week. Baby's heartbeat was 137 and he was not happy to be poked at with the doppler. He was trying to run away. The nurse and I had a good laugh. I just love my Dr. She sat with me for almost an hour and let me ask her every question under the sun. This pregnancy has been so different than Aidan's. I love when she tells me she is as excited as we are for his birthday! Next appointment is the first week of October for my O'Sullivans blood test. Less than excited.
Gender: Boy! Kellan Adam
Movement: Constant! And if I try to sleep when he is wide awake he goes nuts! I try to sleep on my left side but it's painful if he's over there trying to party like it's 1999. We are at the stage now where we can see him moving just by looking at my belly. That's entertaining. Adam loves to feel him and Aidan has lost interest because every time he tried, he wouldn't move!
Belly Button: Still an inny. But it's getting wide and shallow.
What I’m looking forward to: Nursery gets painted next week.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and sushi. Gosh I miss sushi. And I am envious of all the seasonal beer I am missing out on. It's my favorite!
Beautiful Woman you are!! Kellan is growing fast! You look beautiful and got to love a new bra size:-))