Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We're On The Mend...

Is anyone else tired of the "Aidan is sick" song?  We're getting there. Not because I would rather do anything in this world than take care of that child but because it's time for him to get a break and be able to enjoy the rest of his summer.

After Adam and I returned from my home town (area) of Boston, MA this week we thought things were looking up.  He had stayed with my parents for the two nights we were gone and although my Mom said he did cough quite a bit, his coloring was back and he was in great spirits. 

Sunday night was hell.  He threw up all. night. long.  I seriously can't remember a time I've felt more helpless (maybe the time he barely broke his arm and was screaming while the Dr tried to set it).  He was having awful coughing fits then getting sick. Crying the whole time. We were trying to get some breathing treatments done but nothing was giving him relief. 

Adam and I switched getting little breaks of sleep in our bed and then laying with him in his bed.  He was wheezing so hard and he was breathing so fast.  I was just dying for the sun to come up so I could call my pediatrician.  And when it did. I did. 

I knew we were in for a trip to the ER.  Adam went in to work for a couple of hours and then met us at the hospital.  I was so excited to finally get a chest Xray, see the progress we had made if any on his pneumonia and get this kid fixed up. 

We finally got some good news. Aidan's pneumonia had been upgraded (hey I'll take it!) to a Bronchitis and they were going to pump him for of steroids to help with the swelling in his chest.  We thought we may be in for an overnight stay but I got a pat on the back for how hydrated he was despite his condition.  So we avoided IV fluids which was what I wanted to hear.  We hung out for hours.  Ate Popsicles, listened to his breathing, repeat, took some meds, made him rest, repeat and then we got the go ahead to head home. 

Today we are on day three of steroids and still going strong with breathing treatments and he seems so much better. I think we are finally going to get to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Truly a Daddy's Boy

Watching some TV waiting on his Xray

After a double dose of steroids...looking much better and a little jacked up.
He specifically asked me to take this pic and send it my Dad.  He may be a Grandpa's boy as well.

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