Tuesday, August 28, 2012

He Has a Name...

We went back and forth with middle names for a few weeks but I'm excited to announce our little man has a name.  Let the monogramming begin. ; )

And where did this name come from??
Well both are family names.  Adam is easy to figure out.
Kellan is one of my cousin's names and I have always loved it.  We knew we wanted something Irish like Aidan's name and loved Kellan the most.  It means "slender" or "powerful".  The only other option for a middle name as Lee which is Adam's middle name.  I have to say we were pretty sure of this name from the beginning but were tossing around 4 or 5 names for a girl. Having a boy made the decision so much easier.
Am I the only person in the planet that mock yells at their unborn child to decide if they love their name or not?  I've been walking around screeching KELLAN ADAM for weeks now.  Good news, I still love it!
To remember down the road...Aidan wanted to name him William Aidan, Leal (his interpretation of Lee) or Jack. 

1 comment:

  1. I love love love his name! And no, you are not the only mom who does that. That is how we decided on both Van and Rory's names! Congrats grly. Can't wait to meet your little nugget!
