Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aidan Update

Well to add to our already disaster of an experience with Aidan being sick...last night he had an allergic reaction to his medicine.  I don't think he knows it even happened but now we have an allergy to add to our list of things going wrong around here.  I'm not complaining I would just love some reprieve for this poor little guy. I had to run out to the pharmacy late last night in the pouring rain to get him some Benadryl and a new Rx that our pediatrician had called in.  I may have just complained about the rain.

I cannot sing our pediatricians praises enough. She has been SO wonderful.  When I was pregnant with Aidan, she was recommended by a family friend (hey LADY) and the only ped we interviewed.  She is extremely thorough and straight forward and for some people that doesn't work but that's what we love about her.  She just gives it to us straight. 

We were on an every four hour schedule with the nebulizer but now we are back to every two.  Keeping my fingers crossed that our appointment this morning is the last one until we follow up at the end of the month.  If things don't get better tonight and early tomorrow we are probably looking at a chest xray and possibly a hospital stay.  I don't even want to think about that.  

So, say a prayer for our little man if you get a minute. We're hoping for a speedy recovery from here on out.  Thanks for checking in!

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