Monday, July 30, 2012

Some Etsy Favorites for The Little Man

Crochet baby booties with large buttons for NB, 0-3 M or 3-6 M,choose your color and size

Custom Boy's Bubble Romper

Crochet Baby Fire Hat

CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN Baby Diaper Wet Bag Set w Changing Pad

White baby boy blanket with dark gray tassles. Ready to ship (Londin Lux Brand)

Pick TWO Baby Boy Onesie-Mustache Hand Dyed-oh sweet little man

I think the general population is under the assumption that little girls are more fun to shop for and while I thought for the longest time that was true, I've discovered if you just dig a little, finding stuff for boys is just as fun.  The hunt is part of it!

I am thinking about learning how to crochet here in the next couple of weeks so I can crochet some hat/bootie sets for the little guy.  Aidan was sitting with me on the sofa the night I clicked on the first hat at the top and I may just have to make one because he thinks it's hilarious. 

This baby is going to have such cute stuff!


  1. I think boys stuff is way cuter because it's more clever. My favorite thing to buy for the baby boys, onsies with ties!

  2. I think boys stuff is way cuter because it's more clever. My favorite thing to buy for the baby boys, onsies with ties!
