Monday, June 25, 2012

Aidan's 5th Birthday

Remember that post when I asked for a day of rest before I wrote the post on Aidan's party? Soooo I took over a week!!! But I'm back and ready to share!

We do the kids birthday big around here! And we really did it up big for number 5!  We themed the whole week for him.  He is really in to Star Wars these days.  He picked up this obsession from a few of the boys at school. It's been quite comical because up until the week of his birthday he had never seen a Star Wars movie EVER. Still obsessed. 

Did you know you can't rent Star Wars movies anywhere?  Thank goodness Adam has a nerdy Star Wars friend that had all six episodes.  So we started the week with Episode 1 and watched one every night for the whole week.  Aidan loved them.  They were a little old for him but he really just wanted to see the characters.

A day at the pool with his new Star Wars towel.

Dinner out at a restaurant of his choice. Of course he chose to eat at Daddy's restaurant.

Thursday was his birthday and the big party.  We usually do all his parties here at the house but this year we opted for Monkey Joe's. It literally saved me about $800 in comparison to last years party and the kids had the best time.  I didn't have to do a thing!

Monkey Joe. What a celeb.

 Almost worn out.

 Star Wars pull apart cake. These guys even had light sabers that lit up!

We bought him this mask as one of his gifts and he loved it. 

Friday night we went out for Mexican. Aidan had a salad. Go figure.

 Then we saw the new Madagascar movie.  It was sooo cute!  Adam and Aidan would probably be just as happy to do all this stuff without me.  They are like two peas in a pod.  They are crazy about eachother.  

Saturday we had to do some work around the yard...Aidan is such a little helper with his own wheel barrow.

 But Sunday we went to the pool at my parents for one final night of Bday celebration.  We had dinner and cake and after we sang to him he asked if he was 6.  Too cute.

 We watched one last Star Wars movie.

 And this little 5 year old slept like a baby after such a fun week!

It was a wonderful week.  The baby is 5! Where has the time gone??

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