Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our Little Graduate

We had a big day around here on Tuesday.  Our little man graduated from the 4's class to TK! Really he could have graduated to go on to Kindergarten BUT he's right on the fence for age so I figured I'd keep him in pre school for another year.  It's another year I get to keep him for half days and I'm hoping he'll be more than ready for Kindergarten at 6 yrs old.  Win, Win.  I mean once they go to school, you never get them back. 

(2nd from Right)

Anyways, it was a sweet little ceremony.  The paraded out to the graduation song and all wore little caps and gowns.  I think Adam teared up. Don't tell. 

He did so well when they called his name.   He came right to the front of the stage, accepted his little diploma, gave Ms. Wendy a hug, flashed us a smile and went back to his seat.  They sang "It's a Grand Old Flag".  I have it all on video. 

Afterwards we had a potluck luncheon and it was great to sit around with the families of his friends and chat about everyones plans for the summer.  We brought BBQ from Queen City Q and it was a huge hit.There were literally people that said they weren't going to eat lunch and once they saw BBQ, sat down to eat. Everyone loves BBQ.  We're in the South.

It was a fabulous morning and a little bittersweet.  I constantly find myself wanting to freeze time with this guy.  Isn't it that way for all you Moms? 

Friday is right around the corner.  Who has fun plans for the holiday weekend??

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